
Corresponding Author

Amir Ismail

Authors ORCID


Document Type

Original Study

Subject Areas



October oil field; Gulf of Suez; 3D structural modelling; well logging; seismic interpretation.


An extensive study of the NUBIA and MAT reservoirs, incorporating numerous data sources, enhances the accuracy of production forecasts for hydrocarbon exploration and development. This study aims to integrate seismic and well data for re-assessment and to delineate the geological and petrophysical characteristics of the October oil field which is one of the most productive in the central Gulf of Suez, but it has recently witnessed a drop in output in some regions, and some wells have begun to depletion. While facies modeling enabled the spatial distribution of lithologic facies inside the constructed 3D structural model, which reflected two types of facies: marine carbonates and lagoon shale, petrophysical analysis described the whole distribution of petrophysical features. The incorporation of described structures, horizons, and selected zones for 3D grid express northwest-southwest fault systems governs structural modeling. This study focuses on the structural components of this vast field in order to update its structural model with high-resolution 2D seismic lines and well logs. The discovered reservoir possesses favorable reservoir characteristics that will increase hydrocarbon production in this field (low net pay, low effective porosity, low shale content, and high-water saturation). The structural set is assumed to be in charge of the October oil field's petrophysical discoveries and facies distribution. The models demonstrate the effects of structural features and their control over the interpretation of reservoirs' facies and petrophysical properties. The region is tectonically affected by a large normal fault (NE-SW) with large displacement, followed by small normal and reverse faults that may be the reason for the presence of traps. The extracted 3D structural model and cross sections indicate faults in the region.
